Hi all!
I have finally decided to join in the fun! Thanks to Michelle for encouraging me, for the great pattern selection, and also for hosting the party!
This March Sweater Madness is going to be a challenge for me, in more ways than one:
- I have never blogged, so I'll have to remember to take pictures along the way, and I'll also have to get used to thinking up blog posts to share my progress with you
- This is going to be my first "real" sweater (I have started
Jane, but it has a very unusual construction and I am still at the back, which is basically a stockinette rectangle, so it isn't of much help in getting a good understanding of - and some experience with - more regular sweater constructions)
- For this first sweater, I intend on knitting a highly modified version of Mr. Greenjeans: I like the pattern, but I don't feel like knitting a cardigan right now, so I'm going to turn it into a pullover. I must say that I have found
this version of it (first seen
on Ravelry) very inspiring! I think I also want it to be a turtleneck, and I'll definitely make the sleeves longer. If anyone here has any tips or tricks to share regarding these modifications, I'd really appreciate it!
- I'm not the fastest knitter out there, and am quite busy these days (I'm selling my house and looking for a new one, among other things...), but let's see if I can manage to modify the pattern and knit this sweater before the end of the month!
I am using O-Wool Classic in a beautiful brick red. While my swatch is drying, I will start rewriting the pattern and will wind the yarn, so that I'll be ready to start knitting for real tomorrow morning!
I am looking forward to getting to know you all, and to seeing your progress!