In the evening, the light in my room is horrible. Energy saving bulbs are all well and good, but taking photos without flash shows you just about how dark I find the place.
This yarn is what most of us would think of as fishermans. A nice weight natural colored yarn that is meant to show of stitches and pattern while happily being obscured in the background.
I have cast on not quite 200 stitches on my 3.00 mm needles and am cussing my way through twisted rib while listening to Bellweather by Connie Willis in audio. I didn't want anything stressful, ugly or mean. No thrillers, mysteries or blood. Back to scifi with ideas.
One month? I must be nuts!
That twisted rib is a b#&@# but it will be so worth it in the end! Can't wait to see you kickin' arse on that sweater.
I love listening to audiobooks while knitting - keep at it, I bet after the twisted rib, the sweater will fly off the needles!
thanks for the encouragement. The going over row is a real pain, but I am knitting the return in regular rib.
1) makes it easy to tell which is the right side (grin)
2) makes the return row faster
3) I can't tell the difference either way on the purl stitches, why go through all that extra effort?
Of course, once I am done with the ribbing, I need to set up for the cables....
Holly, I like your reason #3. You've got a good start on it, that's for sure!
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