Sunday, March 4, 2007

Job interferring with my knitting

Had another off-spring birthday party on Sunday.

Then headed off the 120km to work this morning. Books-on-CD works. Now if I could figure out auto-pilot or find a carpool buddy again my life would be great.

Meanwhile, I managed to get about 8 rows knit today, noticing that if you do the P2tog on the V neck [which happens because you are binding off every 5th row] your decreases are not going to line up on the one side [right as you wear it]. Since I hate purling through the backloops, I just went ahead, P2tog and P the last stitch, after turning it around and knitting, I undid the P2Tog and twisted the two in the correct direction and did it as a SSK.


1 comment:

gretchen said...

I really hate when my job interferes with my knitting!!!