Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clear as Mud

I'm making progress on sweater for hubby. I figured if I started with the back and all that stockinette, I'll make progress quickly and won't want to put it down when a more interesting project presents itself. I had the ribbing done, and about two inches of the body when I decided to read more of the instructions. The increase instructions weren't all that clear, so I ripped back, did things my way and knit happily along about halfway up the back. The "as on front" was making me cranky because I wasn't following instructions; I was on the back instead of the front. I am now certain, without even a shadow of doubt that if I had just done as instructed, I would not be in this mess now. I am not clever. Do not mock me. I realize now that you should not skim through patterns, you should totally and absolutely read them in their entirety and not smirk or call the pattern rubbish until you have done so (not as I have done). What it comes down to, now that I have read every word of this pattern, is that I should have increased on the sides at specified points ("as on front"), and not evenly in the first stockinette row. Small dilemma: to rip and increase properly, as instructed, or let bygones be bygones and carry on?

My plan for now is to (don't laugh or mock me, please) cast on the front and follow the instructions to the letter. I specifically went out today and bought a set of 6mm needles so I could do this. Once I get to the same point on the front as I am on the back I can decide if ripping back will be absolutely necessary or if I'll be able to join the sides without everything looking wonky. (Another good example why patterns written for circular needles are far superior, but that is not the point here.)

Note: this sweater is not a secret anymore. My darling daughter spilled the beans yesterday. I still love her.


Holly said...

I have an even worse suggestion.

Look at Hubby. Look at his build. Look at the directions. If he is a hunk looking guy - on the front you would increase enough stitches in the first row to make up for the cable, then increase slightly on the sides to make it to the chest numbers.

If he has a gut (well, it happens) and his waist exceeds or matches his chest, I would go ahead and do all the increases in the first row and be done with it.

If he is sort of inbetween, I think you can compromise. Leave the back alone and do the increases properly on the front.

It doesn't look like it is that close a fit, so you should be fine....

Caroline said...

Awww! I have no advice to give because I've done the same kind of thing innumerable times. I just want to get going; I don't want to have to read and read when it seems like I should just be knitting and purling.

Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Exactly how I feel, Caroline! Then I pay the price, but not always so I know that I'll keep on doing it.