Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Attaching Sleeves

On Sunday, I finished up the first sleeve and attached it to the sweater body by hooking the stiches through to the inside, knit around one row, then binding off.

This gave me a nice, clean inside bind-off.

And I think a decent appearance on the inside.

Miriam was willing to try it on. Of course, it has taken me a couple of days to manage to do the 10 cm that had to be added to the second sleeve and get it bound in.

But now we have the issue. the Miriam did not like the look of a crocheted neck line. So I have to come up with something else. She has also veto'd the idea of a rolled trim. If I can't think of anything else, she is going to get simple ribbing.

If any of you have any good ideas, please help me out.



Barbara from Nova Scotia said...

Do you have access to Knitting on the Edge? Lots of trims to pick from that Miriam could choose herself, if you're willing.

Michelle said...

Oh that is a good book...although it looks like a lot of work it might be fun...I actually like the crocheted areas and am looking forward to getting out my hook again!
Can't wait to see what you decide on

Anonymous said...

I don't know about your sewing skills but a nice sewn on ribbon would look great too.

Anonymous said...
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Holly said...

I took her through both knitting on the edge and knitting over the edge.

She didn't like anything.

I think I am just going to do a simple ribbing to match the bottom and hang it.

the neck is soo large (she does like it so it is not a problem) that reducing it slightly should not be an issue.
