Thursday, August 16, 2007

One Sock Done

OK, I've been making extremely slow progress due to limited knitting time, but I did finish the first sock. I posted this on my blog already, so sorry if it's a repeat, but I'm afraid it may be just a touch too small. It fits really well and feels good, but I'm afraid I'm putting too much strain on the stitches. Or maybe I'm being paranoid :-)

Here's the top:

and here's a side view - you can see the side and back cables on the sock:

And yes, my legs really are that pale, even at the end of summer.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Two legs, one heel

Grafting on a train or in a car is not me. Chasing those tiny stitches that I can not see, simply not worth it.

So what to do? Cast on the second sock!

Progress - at least a little (till you run out of needles....)


(who is leaving for China tomorrow - 2 weeks!)